Friday, May 05, 2006

Stay of Execution Days 1+2 - Capitol Hill and Annapolis

Working on the assumption that now was as good a time as any to begin the pie and pint detox, day one Monday 1st May 2006, saw me set off for a whistle stop tour of DC's highlights mounted on Owen's mountain bike.

Now having done zero exercise for many months many amongst you would query what on earth I was thinking attempting to cycle around 20 miles in a day and would further double check my insurance was sufficient to cover the inevitable paramedic call out required to scoop me off the street !

Well.......... in hindsight I would tend to agree.

Not realising that the sun is indeed quite strong out here I fell into the classic Brit on tour trap of wearing no sunblock so I now resemble 'Larry the Lobster'

Mistake One.

Then realising the saddle on O's bike is more in the shape of a bread knife and wearing just my normal shorts, I now have a seriously sore arse.

Mistake Two.

Being nearly decapitated by the presidential helicopter landing on a field on front of the White House and further being ushered around by Secret Service MIB, I nearly elected to go for mistake three and ask said MIB punter if he could get the cricket scores on that damn stupid ear piece they insist on wearing !!!!

Secret Service my ****....... you can spot 'em miles away !!! Not too secret as far as I can see.

I have never seen a town with so many uniformed gun slingers before. It really is Hollywood every day out there ! (well from my one day's experience any way)

Day 2 was somewhat more relaxing with Amanda and I heading out to Annapolis, home of the US Naval academy, the US's original capitol and not too shabby a harbour landing too.

Touring the Naval academy grounds (pictured here) the three old boy veterans walking with us did a much better job than the official guide we had and we got to hear some good old swabby navy tales.

Lunch was taken on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay on the deck of a bar called 'Pussers Landing' and consisted of a burger made with local crab meat. Very nice indeed ! I even manged to avoid the rum and elected for a Sierra Nevada instead.

Ah.......... I could get used to this !!!!

Amanda and Owen regularly sail from here and I can see the attraction............ particularly if there are rest stops like this at every port of call !!!

The weather is still amazing and my lobster face is stinging nicely and transforming into a classic farmer tan !!!


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