Saturday, May 06, 2006

Stay of Execution day 3 - Alexandria and the ball game !

Still feeling the exertions of day one's bike endurance, Wednesday was taken at a slightly more sedate pace.

Wandering through the quiet and leafy streets of old Alexandria and after having had the most mahooosive cheese steak sandwiche you could imagine in the Union Street Bar I decided to get my hair chopped.

Now, I don't appear to have the best of luck when it comes to getting hair cuts in the US. Thinking I had dodged one potential skinning by answering firmly 'NO I don't want it military style' my man proceeded to cut the back and sides all nice but did nothing to the top of ma heed !! Hence I now sport an Elvis style quiff up front and on top !!! Oh Joy !

Returning back home with my new style !!! A, O and I loaded into the SUV and set off for RFK stadium to watch the Washington Nationals take their regular beating off who ever happens to be in town. On this particular evening it was the Florida Marlins doing the humping.

Most of the fun came in trying to educate Owen on the basics of the game. Two hours and several beers later we had succeeded in getting him to understand what a full count meant. Only for him to then repeat it every time one appeared. Now I know why I don't want children !!

One key observation made whilst there listening to the various organ bleets pumping out of the speakers every thirty seconds trying to wake the home fans from their coma (the Nationals are truly crap by all accounts) was that the fans would appear only to go for the beer and lard snacks on offer.

By the seventh inning stretch most had bogged off and were on their way to the car park !!! As it goes for a change this game was actually quite close and tied up until the last inning !

I must admit however that after sampling one of the hot dogs oozing with all manner of onion and pickle, that the american approach to sporting events isn't all that bad a concept after all !!


Blogger swapit4aporsche said...

Post some stuff - how is it going?

7:32 PM  

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