Sunday, May 07, 2006

Stay of Execution day 4 - Mount Vernon

Waking up Thursday to yet another beautiful sunny Virginia day and feeling like some energy had returned to my legs I opted to head down to Mount Vernon (George Washington's plantation) and take in some sights of the Potomac river metting the Chesapeake bay.

Oh how wrong could a bloke be.......... !

Some twelve miles later (which all felt like they were up hill) I arrived wheezing and staggering with legs like jellied eels !!

So what does a bloke do in a situation like this ???? Call his sister and say 'look I saw a really nice pub about a mile out with really nice views........ do you fancy a pint after work ?'................ 'and more to the point to you want to bring the SUV and bike rack !'

The plantation grounds were magnificent. I found it all a bit odd though that the US heap massive significance quite rightly on Washington's historical significance of being the revolutionary leader and first president, but largely forget the fact his fortune as a plantation owner was made with not a little help from a huge number of slaves ??? mmmmm??

Heading home after said beer in the 'Cedar Knoll' we stopped by the plushest supermarket I have ever seen to pick up some of my favourite delicacy........ Oh yes, some very tasty (but also very smelly) Alaskan Snow crab legs. Now washed down with a fresh margerita these not so little fella's are pretty special !

Amanda gave a big 'eeeeeeeooow' and settled for a bbq steak which also looked pretty special.

Amanda's town house balcony form a more than reasonable setting to while away a couple of hours scoffing, chatting and drinking so thats pretty much where we stayed. As you can see the farmers tan is coming along nicely and if I drop in the odd ' How y'all doin today' I could pass for a creditable red neck round here.............


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