Sunday, June 18, 2006

Granville Island

Having heard a rumour there were some pretty special seafood purchases to be made at the public market on Granville Island and waking up with a wee bad head from the remnants of Doogies visit I headed out on another Sunday stroll.

Walking the full length of Robson and Denmen streets dow to English bay I jumped on a water bus across to Kitsilano beach and Varnier park.

Passing a dozen very drunk and lairy aussies all who looked as though they had wet themselves (probably laughing at their footballing skills against Brazil) I continued along the water front to the market.

Not to be dissapointed I managed to find a stall selling a pretty special salmon in a bun number for next to nothing. Mom of course would have waded straight into the lobster, crabs legs or scallops perhaps. No doubt with corresponding chilled chardonnay in one of the many seafood restaurants lined up facing False creek.

Don't worry mom they will still be open when we get you over.

Mig, I scoped out a couple of sailing charter firms (assuming you still like to sail after doing the Bermuda to Annapolis this weekend)


Blogger swapit4aporsche said...

Sounds good. Our crew for the trip back to Annapolis has now dwindled to just 4 of us - so I (Mig) am the only female aboard. We're looking forward to it but I'm also a bit apprehensive. We'll tell you all about it when we get back.
Love Mig xx

8:10 AM  

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