Saturday, May 27, 2006

Scooper Dooper !

My second week at work felt as though it shot by as fast the time between doogie's feeds !

And all too soon before you know it I had my first visitor from the grand old heady days of Surrenden Road and Hangleton Way !!

Mr Scooper Dooper - armed not with my last bag left in England, so I assume Fonters you still have the last of my gear or is it being sold by the Godalming WI as we speak ?

Hooking up at the Yaletown Brewhouse on Saturday unfortunatley Rog was well within the 'Bottle to throttle' zone and so the refreshments consisted only of OJ !! BOOOOOO !!!

After supping a first OJ in the bar we elected to sample the main restaurant area and view the menu for potential lard hits ! Blabbing merrily away before you know it our long legged blond server approached and asked very politely if we were ready to order ? Now not havind had chance to look I responded with a request for a moment longer to which our hostess of course enquired if we would care to have an appetizer while we waited ?

All of a tenth of a second later a Mancunian voice very close to my right blurted with an urgency and excitement hard to desribe,

'Oooh spinach and artichoke dip please me luv' !

Knowing not to get between a Lancastrian and his food (and being a fan of the said dip myself) we continued our random chat knowing that to start a new story would mean less eating time and that your opponent would get more dip, so the chat curtailed for a few moments !

The arrival of mains in the form of cheese steak butties calmed proceedings and at this point a beer would have been sunk very nicely thank you very much, but not this time sadly !

It was grand to see you Rog and get yourself back again on a trip with one of the other boys so we can tuck into some Pale Ale's too ! Thanks for making the effort to come down to Yaletown and see my new neck of the woods !


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