Monday, June 05, 2006

Lard snack visitor 2 - Hackers

Fresh off the heels of Scooper Dooper and ready to hit the nacho trail (where to pile on a few calories) the king of snooze Mr Hackland arrived this last Monday eve to say hey to stig in the big smoke. After working out that the BA crew hotel can actually be seen from my desk, all of one block across Burrard street, John and I met up to catch the last of the sun and keep up our previous Canadian tradition of only scooping beers on the waterfront near a float plane jetty.

So setting up base camp at the 'mill cafe' and ignoring the advice of our waitress we ordered said nachos in addition to main meals each. In hindsight probably not the best idea. We all know Jon is not the best at staying awake at the best of times............but add in a ten hour flight, jetlag AND around 30000000 calories and you could feel a little sympathy for the boy !

Not me !!!!! Come on then lad we're off to 'Smiley oNiells' !!!


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